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Sample Single Subject Benchmark Reports

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Sample Single Subject Benchmark Reports
Use Single Subjects to
Benchmark Reading and Math: Handouts


Benchmarking with Iowa Single Subjects

  • Online Benchmarking
  • Reading and Math
  • Forms available:
    • Grades K–8: Forms E, F, G
    • Grades 9–12: Forms E, F
  • Track longitudinally within Single Subjects
  • Same reporting process
  • Requires proctor training

Iowa Subtests per Single Subject

  • Reading (30 to 60 minutes, depending upon grade level)
    • Reading 1
    • Reading 2
    • Vocabulary (optional - 15 to 20 minutes)
      • Allows Reading Total Score Calculation
  • Mathematics (25 to 60 minutes, depending upon grade)
    • Math 1
    • Math 2
    • Computation (optional - 20 to 25 minutes)
      • Allows Math Total with Computation

Iowa Assessments - Flexible Testing Options

  • Pre-Test (fall) or Spring Summative Model
    • Form G — Grades K–8
    • Form E — Grades 9–12
  • Pre-Test with Post-Test Model
    • Fall Pre-Test and Spring Post-Test
  • Benchmark/Interim Model
    • Fall, Mid-Year, and Spring Benchmarks
    • Available for online testing
  • Combination
    • Fall Pre-Test or Spring Summative, and
    • Two benchmarks in the Fall, Mid-Year, or Spring
Iowa Assessments - Standard Score Growth Model

Online Testing — Fast, Accurate, User-friendly

  • Reporting and online administration through DataManager
    • All forms, all levels – Complete, Core & Single Subject
    • Online Score results in 24 hours
    • Students: PC/Mac desktops or laptops, Chromebooks, and iPads
    • Proctors: PC or Mac, desktop or laptop
  • Proctor-led Levels 5–7 (K–2nd)
  • Self-paced Levels 9–14 (3rd–8th)
  • Online audio option for directions
  • Requires Techical Readiness and training for proctors and staff

Testing Configurations

Testing Configurations

*Benchmarking with Iowa Single Subjects, online only.

How Forms of Iowa Can Work Together

How Forms of Iowa Can Work Together
  • Will continue to support growth across multiple times within a given year and across years
  • E/F/G are all linked to the vertical scale to measure growth

Forms E/F/G as Equivalent Forms

  • What are equivalent forms?
    • Built to same content specifications
      • Same item counts, same testing times, same skills tested
    • Balanced for content, alignment, and difficulty
    • Yield comparable interpretations (e.g., same NSS to NPR relationship)
    • Produce same detailed reports at skill and item level
    • Can be used in pre-post approaches
    • Can be equated to one another and used interchangeably
    • Also called parallel forms

If you are in need of additional assistance, contact the ACSI Care Team or call 800.367.0798