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Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Program: Venture for Upper Elementary

Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Program: Venture for Upper Elementary

Product ID: #SLLVT-ELEM-01

Member: $150.00
Non-Member: $175.00Your price

Student Leadership & Learning

Embark on a journey of discovery and creativity with the Venture: Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Program. This program, grounded in a biblical worldview, introduces upper elementary school students to the exciting world of entrepreneurship, where they will explore the basics of our economy, discover the relationship between risk and reward, and learn essential skills needed for success in a free market.

Through participation in the Venture: Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Program, students will engage in hands-on activities to foster a deep understanding of business ownership. They will learn to differentiate between needs and wants while developing their problem-solving and critical-thinking abilities. By delving into the language of business, students will cultivate a sense of individual opportunity and motivation for lifelong learning. The program is adaptable and can be implemented effectively across various curriculum areas and school sizes.

The Venture: Young Entrepreneurs’ Innovation Program includes all the teacher/student materials needed to successfully implement this program within your existing curriculum, including:

  • Venture: Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Module
  • Teacher Implementation Guide
  • Biblical Worldview Implementation Guide
  • Retrieval practice to help students make connections in their learning
  • Cross-curricular lesson plans that promote collaboration and higher-order thinking skills
  • Interactive activities and experiences that build excitement towards the Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Challenge culminating event
  • Program components and a culminating activity that change based on each year's theme

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Student Outcomes:

  • Understanding the Basics of Our Economy: Students will grasp fundamental economic concepts and learn how businesses contribute to a free-market society.
  • Mastering Basic Skills: Essential skills such as teamwork, communication, creativity, and resilience will be honed through practical challenges and projects.
  • Fostering Motivation and Opportunity: The program aims to instill a passion for learning and foster a deeper understanding of the biblical perspective on entrepreneurship, encouraging students to envision themselves as future innovators and leaders.

Venture: Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Challenge  
The Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Challenge will be the in-school culminating experience. It will allow students to showcase their understanding of fundamental entrepreneurship concepts while pitching an idea to a group of company executives. All the materials needed to create this in-school culuminating student experience are provided within the Venture: Young Entrepreneurs' Innovation Program.

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