Learn more about the ACSI Bible Assessment! Register today! September 18, 2024 October 16, 2024 November 13, 2024
“We analyzed the results of the ACSI Bible Assessment to identify gaps in our curriculum and potential redundancies. We examined grade level, class, and individual student results to measure growth and ensure we were meeting our goals for Christian Living education. We also looked at how well students applied their knowledge and how we could integrate Chapel, Spiritual life, Athletics, or Fine Arts to support our curriculum. We recognized that the assessment was not an exact science but used the data to have robust conversations with our teachers and improve our support for students. Our process included the involvement of the leadership team and teachers to ensure a holistic approach.”
- Edward Bunn, former Head of School and currently ACSI's Director of Professional Development
The ABA focuses on students' knowledge, understanding, and life application of scripture. It is designed to assist Christian educators in identifying the mastery level of students in these three areas, and, as a program diagnostic tool, support these educators in evaluating their school's Bible instructional program. It is hopeful that this test and the test results will stir an ongoing dialogue in schools—a dialogue that is both deep and thoughtful about the role that Bible instruction plays in the curriculum and in the development of students.
The ABA was developed as a K—12 assessment by a team of 100 Christian school educators, who were trained to write test items. These writers represented all grade levels and a variety of Christian schools, utilizing the most commonly used Bible textbooks and series among Christian Schools. Test development was a three-year process that included the design of the test blueprint (scope and sequence) writing of over 1,500 possible items, trial testing, finalization of the test for norming and the administration of the norming.
The ABA includes:
The ABA is a normed and standardized assessment which provides a Performance Standard (criterion-referenced measure). Criterion referenced scores determine the level of mastery that a correct answer demonstrates.
The ABA score reports include number of items possible, the number of correct answers (raw score) by the student, the percentage correct, and performance standard/level to that result. The standard will indicate one of four performance levels:
Level 1: Below Basic—Little or no mastery of fundamental knowledge or skills Level 2: Basic—Partial mastery of the knowledge needed for satisfactory work. Level 3: Proficient—Solid academic performance beyond the fundamental level. Level 4: Advanced—Superior performance beyond grade level mastery.
Score reports will include:
For more information email assessmentsupport@acsi.org, connect with the student assessment program team through our "Connect with Us" form, or call the ACSI care Team at 800-367-0798.