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Literature: Trailblazer, Grade 12, Student Textbook

Literature: Trailblazer, Grade 12, Student Textbook

Product ID: #TRLB

Member: $68.36
Non-Member: $68.36Your price

ISBN: 978-1-930592-06-3

Please contact the ACSI Care Team by email ( or call 800.367.0798 for additional help and details.

The Trailblazer Level focuses exclusively on English literature and the development of the English literary tradition. This literature collection mirrors 1500 years of human endeavor and enables students to gain an understanding of the movements and philosophies that have shaped society since 449. The 90+ literary selections feature novellas, short stories, novel excerpts, two full-length dramas, essays, epic poetry, ballads, sonnets, elegies, odes, and lyrical poetry. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is presented in the unique TextWord Shakespeare format that enhances students’ critical and analytical thinking abilities. Suitable for 12th Grade. NYSTL Pending.