Grounded in biblical worldview, this series enables students to not just learn about science — they will learn how to do science! They will grow through experiential, hands-on learning based on scientific-inquiry investigations and engineering-design-process activities.
Grounded in biblical worldview, the series enables students to not just learn about science — they will learn how to do science! They will grow through experiential, hands-on learning based on scientific inquiry-investigations and engineering-design-process activities.
Unlock your students' wonder at God's amazing creation through the newly revised Science, Grade 4 by Purposeful Design Publications. New in this edition is even more biblical worldview integrated into every lesson, phenomena for students to explore and experience, each lesson coded with NSES and NGSS standards, differentiated instruction ideas, cross-curricular activities, performance-based assessments in every chapter, engaging unit videos, and colorful learning materials for digital display or printing. Purposeful Design Publications' Science, Grade 4 enables teachers to address students’ needs through multiple instructional strategies and learning modalities.
Science, Grade 4 introduces a unique format that provides an enriched learning experience for students. This format has two essential components, the Student Edition (hardcover) and the Science Workbook (consumable).
For additional information or to learn about a 60-day preview copy, contact your Educational Resource Consultant (ERC).