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Iowa Assessments
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The Ron Blue Institute
ACSI/Purposeful Design Publications does not endorse these resources and recommends that each one be evaluated for usefulness and appropriateness prior to use in the classroom. ACSI does not guarantee the functionality of the resource links, since each link is maintained by each individual website developer.
Learning Activities and Games
—Instructional games, worksheets, and activities.
A large collection of free printable worksheets, online calculators, games, puzzles, and tools such as a timer and converter.
Adapted Mind
Provides individual computerized practice for each student by grade level and concepts being taught. Worksheets are also provided.
Money Resource Guide
This site provides resources for parents, students, and teachers to reinforce anything that has to do with money including currency, counting money, earning money, managing money and much more. There are PDFs, virtual games, and activities for parents, students, and teachers.
Vivify STEM Videos
The top ten STEM video resources to engage your students in your STEM lessons. There are hundreds of videos are many are 3 minutes or less so will fit easily into your lesson.
Smart Exchange
Activities in all subjects for use with an interactive Smartboard.
Practical Money Skills for Life
This site provides dynamic educational video games teaching important money skills. Great for all elementary/middle school levels.
Budgeting for Kids and Teens
Resource for teaching teens how to create and manage a budget, even with a small allowance, using an online tool from David Ramsey. Budgeting games are provided for students K-12.
Math Worksheets
: provides assorted free math worksheets sorted by grade level.
Maths Chase:
Maths Chase is a completely free site where you can quickly test your times tables. The site is a very simple game, but kids will find it a really fun way to learn their times tables.
K-5 Math Teaching Resources
Provides free math games, center activities, and math journal tasks aligned to the common core state standards.
The game of Set & Trilogy is an attribute game that can help students age 6 and up in developing their mathematical reasoning. A daily puzzle is available. A discussion of the mathematics, including set theory and number squares, behind the game is available for older students. A section for teachers includes ideas for using the game in the classroom and references to other materials using the game to teach mathematics. You may also purchase the game from this site.
Interactive lessons to make math come alive in your classroom are organized by grade level band and by topic—everything from counting to probability to geometry. Clear instructions make these useable for both individual use and classroom demonstrations.
United States Mint
This H.I.P. Pocket Change kids’ page includes a games section that provides interactive activities for elementary students. Check the teachers and parents link at the bottom of the page for grade-level information and games-related resources.
Free Math Drills
Hundreds of math worksheets are provided for a variety of math subjects at all levels including arithmetic, money, fractions, order of operations as well as special holiday-themed versions and blank graph paper. Use these for practice, review, assessment, or with manipulatives for a wide variety of activities. Also included are interactive games and flashcards. This site is available in several different languages.
Texas Instruments
A large bank of innovative classroom activities using TI calculators. Each activity is aligned with curriculum standards. Browse by subject and then select the grade level and model of calculator to narrow your search.
Math Homework Help
For middle school students the free math workbooks listed under more resources can be used as an online tutor. The step-by-step approach allows students to attempt problems themselves but have immediate help if needed. There are also interactive math games under learning activities.
Digital Media
Using public media to engage students with mathematics is made easier by using this site. Provides access to printable worksheets, assessments, project ideas, standards-based resources, program schedules, and lesson plans.
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